It was a long journey of soul searching and meeting both ends of daily living, I find my self wandering before God, I have lost for His greatness and rely on my own, not thinking how great He is. I was not focus on the price He made for me because I was focus on my own. On the first month of the year I was saying goodbye to an acquaintance that I thought would last for a career that was not meant for me. Struggles left and right yet still finding inner power that once was evident before me when I was with Him, still I know how He cares for me throughout the journey, I know he is still the lover of my soul, yet I can't give back to Him, still I know he is there for me no matter what, that's why I take him for granted but I really miss him a lot I miss my God yet I don't know how to serve him. Now striving to learn to be with you again, Lord help me!